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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Stray Incidents Of Protest Take Place In Tripura, Assam Rifles

And the Northeast state of Tripura is tense but it is peaceful there have been strange students of protests that have been reported amid heightened security three columns of paramilitary Assam Rifles and 15 companies of CRPF have been deployed to maintain calm schools have remained open but attendance of students has been thin passengers have been stranded in agra tala as well as trains to Tripura have been cancelled and in a major reprieve the joint movement against citizenship amendment bill were called off it strike the decision to call off the agitation came up to tribal delegations met the chief minister of applauded Dave Anthony de Burma and the convener of joint movement against citizenship amendment bill said that the strike had been withdrawn after Chief

Minister's assurance that they will get a hearing with the Home Minister amid Schaap in fact become a diva the Chief Minister offered Tripura he's giving us a reaction as in practicing into what he has to say on the prevailing situation in Tripura pellagra haka communal clash Munna kadar hey my community sky Beach mr. Tanaka's Morocco beside her agent o member hotel car tau is boom a quick alikum who any sceptic is Inigo shishya when they take about Lumberton maybe could you meet our terrazzo cheese caboodle dehghan hiker paya yamaraja become Christian man Jacob me high up sky still today subhana dynasty hekia yes system each other is Amna Nibbana Metro spot satchel raha rajesh amanakara Sadiq abuzer ostomy children O'Meara poor no vishwas a military practice hard junta Mary sir carcass at a situation right here in agra tala will try and show you all these people are the ones who are outsiders and per se tourists out here they want to go back to their

Own destinations flying her out from agra tala but here they are all huddled in a bus the reason being is that the rickshaw pullers or for that matter taxi drivers are being targeted by the locals because they believe they are outsiders and hence Bangladeshi so yes you see those bags out here they'll be escorted by the police that you can see so even though the flight timings are different we'll try and just show you about what's really happening out here so you can see all these people will just try and see we can try and get a word out your circuit about the aura yes ma'am mantastic OBS eyes is bad Mantha would be manly maybe the cleavage anime that give a big watery porch go scuba destination make a Sojo cowboy oh yes abandon a baby sub movement would become cut up okay better why so I'll get you home look G scuse us geez come Kelly I'm not a gorilla who come honey paya and you see there are all lot of protesters around there are shops which are shot the internet has been slowed

Down we didn't see too many schools and colleges working so obviously these are the number of people the passengers all out here and that is where the real trouble really lies syrups about carrying a kataka topically for apple a page or two of each word bara virgin opera at what can you do you got you a cuchini the problem Torah things are extremely tense and this is what the ground situation really speaks off with cannabis and Sanjay Kumar this is comedy son Dewey regatta lapa India today okay he was just breaking West Bengal Chief Minister and TMC chief Mamata Banerjee are holding meetings with their party leaders on the 20th of December 20th of December is when they will be holding a party meeting in about a week from now over the citizenship amendment bill 2019 but

That's the information we're just getting in over this entire drought that has broken out over the citizenship Amendment Bill amid all the protests and fears amid all the northeastern states you've got moment of energy who will be holding a meeting with Tina moon Congress party leaders this will take place on 28 December so that's the latest that is coming in and remember Bengal finds itself in crosshead between the NRC and the capn will be interesting to see how mama the Banerjee reacts to this particular bill we're taking a very short commercial break on the breaking news that is coming in for now and we're taking a break and up next is all the news from the world of entertainment with my colleague daddy cover see up

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