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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Clears Rajya Sabha Test; Congress To Move SC Against The Bill

This is the India today media flex you watching the news track I'm God of Savin a big focus story the citizenship amendment bill has cleared the Rajas of a hurdle 125 votes in favor hundred and five against nobody abstain but this is being seen as a big win for the Narendra Modi government and for the Union Home Minister Amit shocked in particular the motion that his boss is adopted citizenship bills now a reality citizenship amendment bill clears rogers lapa hotel Barocco Musel monaco bharat a Sandman dia fraternity for the repair Minori Negrita focus on Melania celebrations erupted but northeast simmers [Music] citizenship amendment bill passed there are celebrations but then there are

Also protests the Seven Sisters are on the edge curfew Internet's been snapped in Tripura and in Assam I'll get to both those stories but before all of that let's take you through what happened through the day in Raja Sabha at 12:00 sharp the Union Home Minister Amit Shah he introduced the citizenship amendment bill in Raja sabha this was passed amidst protests that took place in Assam and in Tripura 125 votes in favour 105 votes against the Shiv Sena walked out of the house moments before voting took place the opposition's motion seeking that the bill be sent to a select committee was defeated in the house and that was the first clear indication that the opposition did not have the numbers Prime Minister Narendra Modi called the bill a landmark moment for India and its peoples

For compassion and brotherhood he said that the bill will anyway the sufferings of those who were persecuted for years in the neighborhood now just before watching the Union Home Minister Amit Shah once again defended the bill saying that it meant a lot for the persecuted minorities he also reiterated he insisted and he repeatedly said Indian Muslims have no reason to fear he called out what he described was opposition's fear-mongering Amit Shah also said that the bill will protect the rights of the people of the northeast so there you are mr. Peachum room who was making a very scary that is a change from the Lok Sabha position and we are happy but the one that let us down badly is the jd-u so there was a lot of verbal volleys fired from your side are you satisfied with the answer that

Amit Shah gave we categorically took your name or sort so you said it will not signed the the legal battle do you really figure government managers be confident of the number then looks like the confidence we got Hallinan five that's very good but you've seen as the Lord voting is that that come as a surprise or over our Shiv Sena ships saying are not voting in favor of the bill these are welcome to the question so you said it will dog survived the legal battle the home minister says 130 crore people are supporting us obviously it doesn't count Assam the Northeast and all other protesters as part of the under 30 crore so there you are saying that JDO was a huge disappointment Shiv Sena actually walking out is a welcome development that citizenship amendment bill was passed in the Raj Sabha with a 125 members voting in favour and 105 voting against the bill it will be sent to the

President and after the president's approval it will become a law in this country the citizenship amendment bill is just been passed by Parliament it becomes law now of course it is passes what is important is the be put up on disappointed will it be challenging yes it all like lewdness the Congress was equated to Parliament it is unnecessary because we were talking of issues and to insult us all collectively and individually as if we are Pakistani agents extremely sad uncalled for and reprehensible we hope the country listened to what the opposition had to say from 12 o'clock to 8 o'clock first part is done majority was with the government morality was with us we made it very very clear this is the beginning this is the beginning we will fight this even before Supreme Court there'll be a People's Movement Mamta Banerjee has already made her position very clear no one in Bengal needs to worry mujadara or a mother particular ah you got about a hemostatic Sato Wilkinson

Burton karna she ever wrote karna technique I'm the hotkey Oh Sharon RT hey good night Rick at wha America to nominee tikka monarchy at Harbor twist so below Congo but you started holding rides nahi Minaj I knew you killed location holding race Namanga ASHRAE manga phenomena BG it's a great moment to giving legitimacy to the right of the deprived the marginalized are now a tortured whose only fault was that they had a particular faith I'm very proud of my government and will the Prime Minister and the Home Minister that argument is completely ridiculous a clear statement has been made by the Home Minister that no-one who is an Indian including a Muslim has anything to fear in many respects and eye-opener this is a piece of legislation which the Congress party itself over the years has been espousing there nothing new we brought the billion in 2015 you are trying to give shelter to people who are persecuted minorities in countries which are themselves

Islamic Republic's so I don't know what the fuss was all about and I think the home Minister's answers were not only comprehensive but the entire nation has had an opportunity to view the debate and to understand what it was all about this kind of is the secular fabric of the country those are those are theocratic states these three countries Pakistan Bangladesh and Afghanistan are Islamic Republic's in an Islamic Republic the minorities for instance of minorities or 20% in Pakistan which have been reduced down to five or six percent now it's the minorities who are persecuted now if a Muslim no for instance even is somebody who belongs to the Islamic religion wants to come because he's feels he's persecuted or she is persecuted in the last five years we have given refuge and citizenship to 500 of them should look at his legal arguments again today's truly a historic moment in

India's civilization in history this is a victory for India's millennia-old civilizational ethos which has always sheltered and protected persecuted from the last 5000 years we have continued the tradition which had paused for a few years due to Nehruvian indifference in India that has now been changed and India has found its civilizational and commitment and roots back and therefore this is a massive victory for India the Congress party president Sonia Gandhi has called this bill a dark day the passage of this bill in Rajya Sabha a dark day in the constitutional history of India the Congress anyway had called this bill and attacked on the Indian Constitution Trinamool Congress's Derek O'Brien said that there is Sangram even if it passes in Raja Sabha there will be Sangram before it's challenged in the Supreme Court the attacks made on the bill and Amit Shahs defense of the citizenship amendment bill in Raja Sabha take a look how do you group three countries Afghanistan Pakistan and

Bangladesh and leave out the other neighbors too how do you identify only six religious groups Hindu Sikh do this chain party Christian leave out others like a madea's as Rohingyas three Abrahamic religions are three Christianity Judaism and Islam why have you included Christianity and lefse left the other two for why have you excluded Sri Lankan Hindus and Bhutanese Christians may he double amputee samasya who eat a blanket is a merciful address conically akan only provision kiya no Sri Lanka CIOs are to address key uganda Zaloga w Garnica semester Cobras connect alumni Kia toe simplygon Dhaka Kia our city Bharati Bhoomi seem acceptable way it in the sake Darmok lucuma dildos are not people were I hear the sequel address karne ke liye easily in the sukkah Jakarta this is a slap on the face of Parliament parliamentarians are being asked to do something unconstitutional and then the baby is passed on to the judiciary and in the judiciary lawyers and judges will decide what you have done is constitutional not knowing this is unconstitutional I'm afraid this government is ramming through this bill in order to advance its Hindu to agenda this is a sad day thankfully they're not amending the

Constitution they're only making a law and I'm absolutely concerned and absolutely clear in my mind the slava structure anew check 14 men lost romantic a decal viaje sands Arco satin on bananas America Dory's noble classification ke a dorito or reasonable classification AG aha Hey hum create thermicon ID chip class head easly a reasonable plan if occasion card arpa-e sensor coca noon banana cotta car or a secret ahead a maken only carajo manual Craig Barea pathogenic bat in Surat me up mega puja Musel Monahan who could that connect is Rodney his muscle man captures their hair in the sort of way mr. lo an upside returning coordinator Tom Salman metal nature that array after he located her head or head or make a panic attack in a row does not be Nigeria my understanding of this bill because as we are moving from a democracy how we are moving to a dictatorship not rhetoric factual because those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it

Nadja harmonica Nadja codger Monica is obliterating Brandi Oklahoma an aquarium couch mcmaynerbury dunya vaastaviktha ha ta Hindustan a democratic country a new country country hey hammer a hot bruno sedan as we seek shelter emergency car culture they took a baby look tantric poppy aku a hopperoo can he get the opposition fought hard the opposition fought well but the government was a clear winner 125 votes in favor and only 105 against so did the government floor managers do a better job let's quickly cut across and listening through India today's mas me Singh who joins us from Parliament must me in Rajas about the BJP may be the single largest party with 83 but it clearly does not have numbers on its own so did the BJP floor managers do a much better job where did the opposition lose their side how did they lose the ball see clearly you know at the JD you coming along with the BJP was clearly a big gain for the BJP even as it was expecting that the JD will come along there were speculations so the JD you siding with the with the BJP the BJ DDA

AIADMK they always had the numbers it was about putting it together you had a nil balloony and another bJP MP who was missing because of health reasons they had taken leave so total 5 MP is hard take a leaf from from the house the other three being mother Aminah mom are saying Vander hor had a family marriage so certain MPs were conspicuous by the absence like like to be SP MPs were not there KD Singh of the TMC was not present so overall about 11 MPs what those MPs who actually head the government by staying out of action and you had the ships and of the surprise package walking out so really the BJP had done its arithmetic okay but the opposition know knew that they'll always get there perhaps that is why Derek O'Brien of the Trinamool Congress says that they will now go three kilometres down to that other building with a big dome as he put it the Supreme Court and challenge it in the apex court now let me quickly bring in our guests some bit-part spokesperson of the Bharatiya janta party Waris Pathan spokesperson of the a I am I am our chokkanathan is the editorial director of Swaraj a senior journalist joining us on the broadcast I prefer Zamani chief model a political analyst we lots of the

TMC perspective volleys baton Prime Minister Narendra Modi has called it a landmark day for India Varis Burton the prime minister says this is the victory of compassion and Brotherhood does that mean virus pattern that there was a lot of fear-mongering in our country hemara Deshmukh a Musel monopod Arya Jarrett ah because the Home Minister said no Muslim is losing any right whatsoever and has no reason to fear Waris Pathan well today will be called today again it will be mag oromia today again it will be called a black day in the history of our country gore aware in the secular ISM is modern democracy total violation of the Constitution art of article 49 article 15 the government of the day is trying to divide the country in the name of Hindus and Muslims this is the thing was trying to make our great nation Hindu Rashtra they started with the triple taluk issue okay about article 370 then Babri and now the citizenship amendment bill nobody's happier linking this bill that's a very grave charge that you're leveling against the government that it sent that's it's an effort to appear agreement Allah who is responsible today US Army's birthday okay no

Assam is not burning because of in just a moment I saw his burning of the BJP building because like bro you've you've raised two issues dark day Sampath para Sonia Gandhi calls it a dark day in the constitutional history of India Waris Pathan says Hindu Muslim damp a divided Korea disco so first and foremost - Sonia Gandhi how is it a dark day how is it a murder of democracy if after do deliberations on the floor of the Parliament of India the temple of democracy the bill was passed after voting remember day before yesterday it was on the floor of Lok Sabha and today we saw it which be soft and bare debates and discussions right from the morning till to the evening when the debate concluded and we had voting so it's not murder of democracy teas at the celebration of democracy now coming to the point of mr. virus

Pathan that the Muslims of this country have been denigrated it's a Hindu Muslim issue mr. virus Pathan is my good friend he's a respected Indian Muslim who's an Indian citizen my simple question to mr. virus putana is how is it that the citizen amendment bill 2019 deprive him of any of his right or his privilege does it do that doesn't anyway mister Waris Pathan has been affected by the CA B 2019 any okay let him respond to that very specific charge virus pattern has an Indian Muslim opteka de carga hey well let me tell you our well now may I say due respect to my learned friend some big person let me tell you some big patre this is an insult to the martyrs who have sacrificed their lives for the great nation of India this is an insult we have rejected that position carry of j9 today I'm in this country by birth and by choice er Waris Pathan is debating with you today you exclude the name of Muslims we include six religion in the bill why do you exclude muesli why you show so much hatred for the Muslim don't include them what about the wrong gear rowing guys were coming from my

Atma why are you excluding China is there persecution in China on the minorities yes there is but you pick and choose insert that you have not answered a specified gyrus from without a quality car got a new shirt as given right to equality sir article 42 slump C we practice Islam is all over the world practice Islam is this but Islam practicing Muslims like a madea's like Shias like hurricane survival excluded them are not being persecuted in Pakistan do you mean to say that are so do people who are coming to our country from Bangladesh or Pakistan or Afghanistan they are the Indian citizens they are there other allah kiya ji is the point that virus pattern raises on the broadcast gap up hindu iguana dare you abuelo Koko ni Jo Jo sicko Bordeaux Gino si Yoon Canada Rio parsec wanna do like a muscleman Okayama di hunka hunka jnana dario even if they are in Pakistan Afghanistan and Bangladesh actually gara the real problem is we are not addressing the elephant in the room the reasons or why this is now being shown as a case of Muslims being another sense of victims is for the first time a government of India is saying that our neighbouring Muslim countries are tormenting

Hindus and other minorities for 70 years we couldn't bring ourselves to say this simple thing because we thought that will hurt the sentiments of Indian Muslims so we kept quiet whether in the history books where we said in the past that all Muslim rulers did not do anything about the temples it happened because of politics not because the religious persecution now for the first time a government saying Hindu lives matter if they are in the neighboring countries where they are Islamist and therefore they are subject to structural persecution okay this is now out in the open and everybody from the people who actually made the girls they're doing their politics on secularism wanted to keep quiet the code of omerta on this issue now let me let me take this to Professor mano judgmental professor manage it Mundell mr. prophet mr. jaganathan raises the point that Hindu lives also matter so secularism as a much shine Parliament said is the definition of secularism for Indian opposition only Muslims does it not include six other communities that are coming in with this bill it was the point in asking question to these you know great historians and journalists three months back nothing better for these people when they declared all the 90 lakhs of people who are suffering in

Assam where is goose pate years irrespective of the religions is only three months back now they have changed their stand and we know why they have changed their stand okay everybody knows everybody can understand the manifest content of this you know ghastly bill it is to give some kind of a bailout package to the people who are suffering in Assam specially the non-muslims that's it nazar samosa DAC from tomorrow the woman bills bill ecology London says the people of Assam suffering in the DeLuna let me finish the people in Assam living in the detention camp if they are Hindus or if they are not not Muslims they will get the solution back and the Muslims will be divided that's okay so you are saying that you are saying that was the point in our citizen amendment bill has to be seen in consonance with the NRC and not in isolation sir please respond this is a question asked of me can I please answer or should we be interjecting and fighting like this please thank you Gaurav in fact professor manoj each

Bundle needs to be enlightened I mean remember the CA be 2019 originally came in 2015 when even the NRC had not been passed so to say that an arts in fact CA B has been passed only because of NRC is absolutely Buncombe and those invitations so it was in 2015 just in seconds it was in 2015 it was sent back to a Joint Parliamentary Committee I believe you have not gone through the history of CA B secondly to my good friend from a I am I am mr. Baris Pathan when he says that why the M ideas and the CEA's are not to be brought to India because they are also facing persecution of religion in in Pakistan and Afghanistan of course not they are facing not religious persecution they are facing sectarian persecution and ethnic persecution let me tell you as far as the M ideas are concerned the ciaz are concerned they also follow the same Allah that is followed by the rest of the population of Pakistan barring the minorities okay remember the Pakistani Constitution categorically declares that we are an Islamic nation we are the followers of Allah so whatever distinction takes place between the CRS the high madea's and the rest of the Muslim population there is not because of a large because of sectarian second ethnic persecution so if we have can we this bill talk without really

Persecution then reasonable than reasonable classification can only apply to article 14 if you are reasonable but on that very specific point that you've raised and virus virus metonymy please please on merits letlet virus for time to score on merit sir left every net every guest comes every day's come in and briefly virus patent em ideas and shias are also facing in an Islamic country in an Islamic status sectarian violence and not minorities and this bill specifically talks about persecuted religious minorities of Pakistan Afghanistan and Bangladesh sir well let me remind my friend mr. song big partner if he has read the Constitution article 15 which says discrimination cannot be done on the basis of religion now this constitution people who had formed the Constitution had kept in the mind that the Constitution does not divide people in the name of religion but the government of the day is trying to divide is this right is this following the Constitution now who say will tries to divulge the

Constitution we will be against the secularism of the countries that we follow all the religion is today but what about six other communities is secularism only people of Muslim religion well you said the better whether it will tell you go on self yeah let me tell you the Home Minister of Prime Minister Modi day say sub Kasatka because sub car which was but what we have seen in the countries there's never happened I'll give an example of Maharashtra wherein the Bharat has have been given reservation I don't object to that that is why I say the government is total lie the government is total and lie this is the thing but to make this is mr. Jagan is that Mary to the point that's been made like the secular traffic of Allah has built it on wood citizenship amendment bill yes absolutely not because the CA B does not discriminate against anyone by community as ameesha explained very clearly it is not about excluding anybody it was about trying to give a fast-track to citizenship to people who are

Specially persecuted that is they are saying that somebody who is actually badly off we are trying to help them gain parisa citizenship earlier because i think they do have suffered enough and sending them back would be double persecution of the same people you cannot do that so there is no I mean discrimination on the basis of religion okay I can think the other point that what is pattern mail now why don't you accept Ahmadiyya Shias and all India does not have to take every person who is persecuted anywhere for any reason if you open the whole country for anything then you might as well say let's you erase the borders let everybody walk in and come and do what he likes so I think you can be discriminating in terms of who you want to benefit who you will allow okay okay this of course from what we have been told the Congress party the aiudf the critical and some others will challenge this in Supreme Court in the next few days but mono chief mantle I want to come back to the point where it was being said that Muslims are being added in India it was being said that

Muslims are being thrown out of India that is what the theory is it was said that Muslims have some second-rate citizens of was that yes fear mongering was that fear mongering I array if you are monger Algy I'm giving you concrete examples you please understand now you have in the detention camps of Assam about 12 lakhs in those and five black Muslims now what will happen after this law done is Windu's will get the benefit of this law and the Muslims will not do you understand my right that is a reasonable classification for you once these people are suffering at the same and let me finish first these people are suffering similar in the detention camps they are living worst kind of live in the detention camps almost some humanely they are living ba irrespective of the religion the moment that's this law this bill becomes a law Gwenda in a president sign seat what will happen only the

Hindus will get the benefit of this law and not the Muslim and mind you brought up all these 90 lakhs people are not coming from Bangladesh yes maximum of these people are Indian citizen so this bill is not only about Hindu sleep this is also about Indian trust you make us refugees on our own land and also made by del cobre on the floor of the house saying I know what I am saying what you know the condition the condition of teacher in the detention center you've made a point somebody's bundle don't behave like this thank you God enforce as far as NRC is concerned we I know I'm a professor you are not a J nu professor so don't behave like a GNU professor sir you're a confessor a very prestigious university some big math rock some big partridge nu is a very prestigious university okay okay okay let's turn the issue yeah how if you all speak why are you talking about out oh god ah first okay only some but Patras fader is up for the moment solid Patra please respond to manage it

Mendel's point sir got a first and foremost as far as an RC is concerned it is not the Bharatiya janta party which conducted the NRC Rajiv Gandhi's government way back in 1985 signed on the dotted lines committing for an Assam Accord and thereafter because of Supreme Court's intervention and under the supervision of Supreme Court the NRC was conducted so to say that the party jente RT has thrown people into some detention camp he into the German government way back in Hitler's time is absolutely ill-founded it's almost accusing the Supreme Court of being a Hitler in this case detention camps have also not been opened by Martha janta party it is by the Supreme Court's order number one number two we have to distinguish over here the ones who have come as illegal illegal immigrants for economic causes on for violating India's security versus the ones who have come to

India running away from the persecution that they were facing in their country I'm not taking any religious name over here so it's but natural that those who have fled their country respective countries okayed Pakistan beat Afghanistan or beat Bangladesh for religious persecution would be benefited today because it was do and whatever storage today is the hypocrisy of these opposition parties have letter of almost every political party which was quoted today in the due course of the debate yeah 2003 dr. Manmohan Singh 18th December on the floor of Parliament demanding granting of citizenship to these people I have the letter of Prakash Karat who in fact writes a letter saying that well Manmohan Singh wants granting of citizenship but nothing has been done we demand citizenship for all the Bengali minority refugees coming from Bangladesh yes it was Prakash go hey April 4th 2012 so mr. Johanson there is various bill is there merit as some big pat ourselves 1 hypocrisy of the Congress hypocrisy of the opposition parties and to merit in the allegation that India is going from democracy to dictatorship as Derek O'Brien said on the floor of Raja Sabha that

Detention camps in India like concentration camps in Nazi Germany see I think that detention camps are not a good idea and I think they were imposed because of suggestions from the gothy I quote and we need to disband those detention camps and make sure that these people are treated like normal citizens still their citizenship then the those who are not entitled to citizenship can continue to remain as refugees but with equal rights that's what we need to ensure as long as they are able to keep track of them there it could be no question of putting anybody in a detention camp except people who are actually going to create trouble in this country like Vegas who went and attacked Hindus in Myanmar and who are there and who are a threat to our security those people should be kept in detention camps ok you should not keep ordinary people out crossed over from the virus but in detention camps there's a difference okay virus Pathan there is merit there is merit when the Union home minister says that you know Muslims there is there is no there is no ban on Muslims seeking citizenship in our India in in our country it's he also gave very specific examples 550 plus I've got it in the past five years he

Named that singer Adnan Sami they've named a couple of other people who came to India some have got citizenship in India some may have stayed here for some time and then short citizenship overseas so there is no ban on Muslims so that won't be the bill you're all right I'll leave excluding the name itself is suggestive of the fact that the Muslims have been banned excluding that name though why some big partner talked about Congress I want to bring one just a fine point before you yes very well the Congress BJP the same sir everywhere everywhere everybody I have been saying that there are two sides of the same coin it is proved today the Congress see focus is also expose around Gandhi says this bill is a model of secularism yes of course it is and they're all partners thus you shine a war in together will in Maharashtra they supported get the bill yesterday in Lok Sabha yeah what will the answer to the people of the barrister what answer do they give if the Congress have the girls they should leave them Candace you sena shamelessly today does not remain present that they absent and the benefit the BJP so this everybody is trying in politics but at the cost of the Muslims they won't the that's that's a challenging question yes and if you question the Narendra Modi government is speaking

Pakistan tomorrow Samba Tatra first first I need to correct my friend Waris Pathan on the issue of the naturalized process of citizenship remember Adnan Sami also became a citizen of this country during the tenure of this government the sliminess team also became citizen of this country and today in fact on the floor of Parliament certain data was presented I would like to share that with you past three years 2016 2 18 391 Afghan EES mostly Muslims became Indian citizen 1595 Pakistani migrants mostly Muslim became citizen of India in 2000 and 1940 Afghan easy to Afghanistan 712 Pakistani mayic migrants became Indian citizen through the process of naturalized citizenship process so if a Muslim from any of this country feels that they're persecuted they need citizenship in India they can apply in case to case basis things would be studied when the citizenship might be granted number 1 now that mr. moody Simon and mr. mr. Amit Shah mr. Amit just said that those who are speaking the language of Pakistan is concerned let me tell you it was only yesterday that we had seen mr. Imran Khan putting up a tweet and resolution of Pakistan that this is murder of secularism in India that passing of CA be astonishing these murder of secularism which is the Congress party and view of the

Opposition and in fact mr. Imran Khan would say that this is this is a great stroke this is a great stroke just imagine the same country and an equally hostile why give ammunition to Pakistan specially if it's not like what I do with Imran Khan what I have got to deliver and garner what I have got to do with Pakistan well with Pakistan I am an Indian muslima proud of he's not allowed to come into the country you don't allow katrina kaif judoka till i gave you allow Akshay Kumar this is the difficult clinic yesterday um each side doors genus two-nation theory RM Salman are in Ducati alone Akshay Kumar coop allowed karaage you will not alert Katrina Kaif this is what I want to say we can't look at the narrowness of the process responsible for the party shirt yes yes yes I'll be here ain't ours and mr. Potter I have no love for Pakistan I'd never wear it is no right door I went to the graveyard he's persecuted I did not wear to the graveyard of zero or my forefathers I don't know and he went there but sigh common name is Farah this is an eye-opener for me very good of Home Minister saying that caste system is taking advantage of the statements that are being made by some of our political leaders or is he making that mistake is he is he actually trying to box the opposition in a conversation if you oppose the Modi government you're a Pakistani or you're a Pakistani supporter right look I think it is a polemical statement and you have to dismiss it like that the truth is when Indians argue among themselves lot of points will be made and some of these points which there if Pakistani side

Sounds things it is beneficial to their politics to their geopolitics they will use it now you can say some poor people are dying in Orissa and then they say look Indians are dying in Orissa look they're not able to feed their own people so our arguments are among ourselves so Pakistan is making use of them is up to them okay does not mean that what we are saying is for their benefit we are arguing among ourselves based on our own in understanding of our best interests so I think I'm a child merely making a polemical point we should not give it too much importance fair enough and let that be the last word on this but is this the last of the citizenship amendment bill because the opposition is saying it may have lost the battle in both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha but the next challenge is the Supreme Court of India P Chidambaram said the executive the legislature to places where they may have lost but it's the judiciary that the opposition is now looking at and we'll be tracking that story very closely to all magus many thanks for joining me a quick break on the other side I will take you to the Seven Sisters the naughties there is tension there not

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