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Thursday, December 12, 2019

SC Rejects Telangana Govt's Objection To Judicial Inquiry, Sets Up Inquiry Commission

This breaking is just coming in Supreme Court has rejected Telangana government's objection to an inquiry by the Supreme Court sets up an inquiry Commission to probe the Hyderabad encounter three member panel led by former Supreme Court judge vs super car retired Bombay High Court judge Rekha bardotta former CBI director Karthikeyan and the Commission is going to be completing inquiry in six months the Supreme Court has ordered that no other court all authority will be enquiring into the encounter until further orders come in from the courts the Supreme Court going on there rejecting Telangana government's objections to the inquiry by the Supreme Court has gone ahead and set up an inquiry commission to probe the Hyderabad encounter this is the three member panel that's the breaking news led by former Supreme Court judge vs circle card retired Bombay

High Court judge Rekha bardotta and former CBI director Karthikeyan as well the Commission is going to be completing the complete inquiry in six months time and the Supreme Court mind you has ordered that no other court or authority will be allowed to inquire into the encounter until further orders come in from the court Anisha mater is joining us for the very latest Anisha walk our viewers through the Supreme Court going ahead and saying that outside of this particular Commission which has been set up no other Authority will be allowed to inquire into the encounter until further orders from the court what has been the rationale as far as the supreme court is concerned because we do know that in India we've seen a lot of botch ups coming in from investigative authorities well charity the Supreme Court has passed this order creating this commission of inquiry in fact if I can just read how this comment from the Chief Justice it was a very interesting comment where the Supreme Court has said that what you have done is something that requires inquiry that there needs to be an inquiry

Into what happened there however this does not mean that we have closed our eyes into what those boys had done do not consider this the us they do not consider this as us not keeping earth not taking note of what had happened to that rape victim so what the court has done very clearly is that they have divided both the issues they've said that while we agree that these people needed to be arrested that inquiring that to be done in what happened to the rape victim was horrific they are looking into the encounter and the encounter alone and that is why they've set up this Inquiry Commission Wow the reason why they've also given a order that no other court will be looking into this is because of Telangana state represented by senior advocate Mukul rouhani was saying that there are multiple inquiries already opened the NHRC is looking into it the High Court is looking into it they order we've already instituted an SI t so the Supreme Court has made it clear that while the police SI t that has been created by the Telangana government could continue its investigation but the report of the SI

Team will also have to be shown to this Inquiry Commission the Inquiry Commission that has now been set up conduct consider consider consisting of former Supreme Court judge just a silk worker former High Court judge justice biota and former CBI head mister Karthikeyan is going to conduct an inquiry into the entire incident within six months now what is also interesting are the questions that came out from the court the court in arc has repeatedly asked mr. Novotny to explain how did they accuse get hold of the push pistols of the police how is it that now the what kind of injuries did the police personnel have what happened on the day of that alleged encounter what exactly why were the pulley why was some police personnel carrying pistols and why some others were not what other if weapons were you because Telangana government has also told court and it is not only that the accused tried to fire on the police they also tried to throw stones or the thralls who tried to throw stones and one of the police personnel also had a lot he injury because there were some rods on the ground which the accused had picked up and tried to throw at the police personnel so or the Gov

Telangana government and police clearly making a case that the accused had not only tried to run away that I also try to attack the police party and the police party had to fire back in defense the court now wants and inquiry to be conducted into exactly what happened I'll try Denisha continue to stay with us ashish manda also joins us live with the very latest aaseesh what has been the objection coming in from the ceiling on a government over the Supreme Court ordered inquiry we are exactly at that spot from where the padishah [Music] petition filed by several parties and finally passed into the matter meanwhile police is very much they are performing that they only open fire when the foolish party of face attack and even are the guns of two police forces there / by for a choose and later on in the firing all the four issues are died in the encounter I remember two of the fullest for us and

Pulling one sub-inspector and one constable received injuries and they were admitted to a private hospital they are now released from the hospital Telangana police claimed that during the when all the excuse attention to the sports at Valley Village near the village LS 944 they attacked the police party l that leads to a Feliz party opening fire all these four issues and all the issues dies after receiving bullet injuries all the four accused receive then two bullet injuries and their bodies allow this bodies of all those poor excuse are medical college hospital in Hyderabad earlier at the month I quote I could have a new petition in fact in this case and they also directed right order - each thanks much for bringing our viewers up to speed with the very latest we'll keep continuing all the getting you all the latest updates on the story

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