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Thursday, December 12, 2019

No Major Incident" Jitendra Singh Blames Congress For Unrest In Assam

Sam is on edge tense but peaceful Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his fears Assam sorry northeast gala gah-la a trochee from prowl Baha'i pasado Monson man Dana who says so much and era yay party identified to keep rat mikta high centre blames opposition for fueling rumors and fear-mongering there have been certain disgruntled elements which were thought to be provoked also by the Congress party in a big way because let's not forget that over the last five six years Congress has lost its mass base in the northeast and one after the other each of the eight states have voted for BJP can comment contain the citizenship amendment bill fire in the Northeast that's a talk focus story on

India first in Assam there is a sense of betrayal there is also apprehension that the citizenship amendment bill will result in the Assamese people becoming a minority in their own land their language replaced by Bangla their jobs taken away by outsiders the government claims opposition parties are fueling this fire by spreading rumours and misinformation but even as we speak there are curbs on the Internet several people have been detained I'm God of servant the situation in Assam is a topical story India today's Ashutosh Mishra brings you a top story from ground zero the northeastern states of India have always been wary of the citizenship amendment bill after the central government managed to pass the bill in Parliament on Wednesday the weariness turned into anger Assam became the epicenter of the Northeast's fight against the citizenship bill with students at its forefront the stir turned more violent in Assam a day after Raja Sabha adopted the legislation in the last 24 hours thousands defied curfew and clashed with security personnel kneeling at least hundred people

Including protesters and Laurent rusyns injured the module Nauticus the defecation under control  come low be careful head jajaja TC with a car key agar tong qianjin Kotova hopper a marabou deployment here public property bow jumper damage we are Jenny ki got nyla guitar and they can accompany me we have two properties over here some key Hasan kadowaki Jolokia Lara Mobius Anka Sunnah is Krishna Coco juniper Devaki huge Alaric despite barricade set up by the police students stormed out onto the streets and various parts of the city and marched along the Guwahati Shalom Road for hours protesters yet again escalated in Guwahati despite the curfew as the people defy curfew now there's again another round of clash has erupted in the VVIP area of go hottie now advanced patrol party is moving further but there's stone pelting from the protesters they are targeting the police and finally to disperse the crowd the smoke the tear shells are being fired to disperse the crowd and that's what you see internet services in ten districts of a Sam stands suspended and the Army is conducting flag marches in Guwahati City and other areas all passenger train operations to

Assam and Tripura have been suspended in the view of security situation flight operations have also been affected by the protests tinsukia and Dibrugarh districts in the Brahmaputra belt of assam have witnessed the worst protest so far ever since the passage of citizenship bills on Wednesday night antica protestors torched at least five shops and BJP office in tinsukia district Andhra protesters also set fire at the Chihuahua and panettone railway stations and vandalized Union Minister namaha

Daly's house in the bruegger there's fear in the region that the bill would impact the demography the economy as well as employment prospects of existing citizens across these states in Assam it is the fear of the Big Valley speaking immigrant with Ashutosh in Guwahati and kimochi standing in agra tala Bureau report India today now minister in charge of northeast affairs is dr. Jitendra Singh Minister of State in the Prime Minister's office he's blamed the opposition parties of fueling the unrest spreading misinformation that's led to this he of course told me in an exclusive conversation that he hopes that the situation could be contained in the next two to three days the situation is tense and

Whitney is Minister for Northeast affairs dr. Jitendra Singh dr. Jitendra Singh the citizenship amendment bill passed in Raja Sabha but did the government make a mistake in assessing the situation on ground and specially in the northeast no while while appreciating your concern Goro I will put it this way that the disturbance that whatever has been witnessed in the last two days is in fact confined to very limited areas of Northeast so it would not be right to say that the entire northeast of the disturbance it if at all is confined to some distance of Upper Assam or maybe through para and

I'm sure within a few hours a very soon this is going to come down actually there have been certain disgruntled elements which were sought to be provoked also by the Congress party in a big way because let's not forget that over the last five six years Congress has lost its mass base in the northeast and one after the other each of the eight states have voted for BJP so Congress thought it was perhaps a good opportunity for them to do to heal to fish in the troubled waters of Brahmaputra but I'm sure that's not going to happen so you're blaming the Congress but it's a BJP government in place both in

Tripura and in Assam and in Assam did serve on and so novel or human Biswa Sarma or the administration did they make a mistake in not being able to assess of it's not just Dibrugarh or thin sukiya Silchar go hearty schools colleges Valley remain open but tires are being burned railway stations are being targeted yeah but at the same time let's not forget that over the last two or three days there's not been a major incident of violence and of course this burning of tires etcetera etcetera is something which sometimes the administration also gives leverage fought for for a reasonable expression of the public opinion but the public opinion which is also being expressed is possibly because of certain misgivings and certain misinformation which have been sought to be created in public but I'm sure because our our it is our people who are actually on the streets in the last one or

Two days they they are the ones who voted BJP to a huge extent both in Lok Sabha as well as in these states and therefore when our representatives are among them and trying to make them understand what actually are the contents of the bill because the contents of the bill are quite different for what is being sought to be perpetrated and that is what is creating some kind of misgivings but I'm sure the youth when they understand that all these concerns which they have even today have been adequately address or rather more than addressed in the earlier version of the bill which came in the last Lok Sabha okay but you know your MPs they are saying that the situation is tense the Chief Minister was stranded a minister's house was that was pelted an MP's house was pelted so the youth are angry is are these just misgivings or is there merit in the apprehension that you know there'll be an influx of more refugees even if they're Hindus or Muslims I'm not going into the religion there will be an

Influx Assamese will take a back seat Bangla will become the official language not not really so this is a kind of a perception which is thought to be to be spread EC as far as the influx is concerned this citizenship is going to be conferred officially technically legally on those who are already there virtually so this is some kind of an allegation of child that there'll be a cultural dilution or culture evaluation does not stand merit because if at all that I had to happen any cultural pollution that would have already happen or that would have already happened because these are the people who are already living there but living there rather illegally to put it you know very candidly they some of them have even procured the voter cards but but but which has been done illegitimate really so I think

Home Minister Ahmed Shah has tried to stream and institutionalize the illegal resident ship of these these people in a more constitutional manner so it is not going to have because this is not going to be an added section of population which is there will be no influx of people into assem no certain or even Tripura no certainly not because the cutoff has already been fixed now even as far as three prongs concerned theorem has also been given the benefit of ILP no as far as money pool is concerned the Assembly of the state would have to ratify the so I think the concerns are more than address maybe maybe the contents are yet not being fully you know received or or conveyed to those who are on the streets particularly the youth okay because it's already being said that the citizenship amendment bill is a violation of the Assam Accord especially when it comes to the cutoff date it makes it 31st of December in 2014 and not what was decided in the Assam Accord no I will not get

Into there for the simple reason that the very sanctity and the legitimacy of this argument gets defeated when we when we understand that the Assam Accord himself was not put into practice and if at all some some parts of the Assam Accord have been carried forward they have been carried forward by the present government and to that extent the Congress party should be rather grateful and indebted to the present government because Assam Accord was one of the major talked about achievements or whatever by V Rajiv Gandhi regime again Clause six you know where the Home

Minister sought to assure people on in Assam that their linguistic identity or their cultural identity will be respected the apprehension is Bangla will replace Assamese you know the Bengali culture will replace the Assamese culture I like to respond to that in two parts as far as the language part is concerned nowhere in the entire legislation is this mentioned that the language is going to change so as I said a few moments earlier this is kind of a misperception which is thought to be perpetrated by those who are trying to do - as I said fish in the troubled waters of river Brahmaputra having said that as far as culture is concerned most of these people are already living there so if at all any cultural influence happen it's already happened so I and I think so there'll be no additional pressure no additional population pressure absolutely absolutely not and the the resilience of the common Moss is there is so harmonious that I sometimes apprehend and tend to fear that this kind of provocation

Which is sought to be made by certain mischievous elements is likely to disturb that so it on the contrary we would appeal as Prime Minister Modi has also agreed that there is no reason for concern and everybody has to sit down calm down and try to understand the contents of the legislation with all its implications again normalcy to be restored by yeah sooner sooner than later and I'm sure this is going to be out of news in the next few hours okay okay dr. G the interesting for the moment many times are speaking to India today this situation as of now is tense internet curbs are their own Ground

Zero but the minister is hopeful that the situation will improve we'll be tracking the story very closely with cameraman I'm a god of silent in Delhi find out and join me on the broadcast is India today's senior it akashic day cup Kaushik how real affairs on ground that whether it's language or identity culture jobs in Assam they are going to be under real threat now the fear is real and it has been there since the 1951 when the first NRC in Assam was prepared the NRC was prepared in Assam in 1951 only because there was a realistic fear about illegal infiltration to Assam so there is no doubt that if

Assamese people are on the road today on the streets today because they are protesting against the government's decision to give citizenship to fifty percent at least fifty percent of those illegal infiltrators to Assam just because they are Hindu and we have to also understand that the Assam is fear also originates from the fact that they are very suspicious of the Bangla language because there is a long history of the conflict between assembly speaking people and Bangla speaking people in

Assam let's not forget that in Barak Valley which is Bengali dominated area the Assam is is still not accepted as a state language as the official language so and there are any other factors like from 1870 due to a 36 to 1872 Assamese was thrown away from Assam as the state language so there are many other factors which has created the suspicion between but Assam is are these areas a lot also fueled by either misinformation or view mongering or as the minister alleges or as the minister says opposition parties trying to fish in troubled waters of Brahmaputra because he says no new people are coming in and it's just the opposition parties that are fueling the fire absolutely wrong assessment because the people who are under strict today they are not led by any party any organization they have come out spontaneously bound by a sentiment that's only for the Assamese people they are the

People in the rest of India they haven't understood the fear of Assamese existence that the fear of losing land language and culture to external aggressors and the aggressor could be Hindu the aggressor could be Muslim but they are not Indian citizens they have come out from come from Bangladesh from another country and why should Assam keep taking that burden forever okay now the Union Home Minister Amit Shah says the sacrifices of those in Assam will not go in vain there will be a solution also the issue of identity they're saying that there's this special committee that's being set up Clause 6 will address it none of this seems to have a lead the fears of those who are on the streets certainly the government Prime Minister Modi and Union Home Minister amici have both

Have said about cloth 6 Prime Minister has tweeted that he will protect the interest of Assamese people through cross 6 same was said by amateur but the point is if they really they are serious about cloth 6 then why has it not been implemented yet why they hurried the CIB first and then kept talking about classics they could have very well first resolve the issue of classics because cloth 6 it's very easy to talk about cloth 6 of a spare cot but but there are several challenges first of all you have to define who is an Assamese in Assam there is no uniform definition of Assamese yet so there are several controversy several theories about who is an Assamese in Assam is it based on language then there will be many tribal groups who will go out of Assam so that's the reason you have to first figure

Out how you will resolve the Class six issue then they could have brought in the CIB again as some probably would have accepted this well let's see how this pans out over the next two to three days because that's the time frame that the minister says the situation will be brought under control as the government now launches an initiative to reach out to the people and tell them their rights are being protected kaushik naga for the moment many thanks for joining me but as north east simmers this political battle rages over the citizenship amendment bill the opposition is all set to take the battle to Supreme Court Prime Minister Narendra Modi hit out of the opposition parties for stoking the fire in Northeast protests and politics escalating over the citizenship Amendment bill amid turmoil in the

Northeast the political fight over the contentious bill peed on Thursday after Sonia Gandhi's black day in democracy jibe opposition blamed the government of creating unprecedented undressed in the states of Assam and Tripura the kind of protest that we are seeking Assam many people have are saying that they have not witnessed this kind of protest for the last twenty thirty years they've done it with cursory they said look everything is normal in Kashmir we know for a fact that nothing is going to the Northeast this attack elicited a strong response from Prime Minister Modi  Congress

Hruska sathi northeast maybe I will again Akiko she's correct Maharaja he bungled a separation gavel over Ganga Congress autos gets a yogic is Swanton at the end go to bank each entire Apple a7 / Iblees multi-purpose father akhi with the Prime Minister pinning the blame on the opposition his ministers followed the suit cool my locker key DCP track each in Turkey I was returning here coochie-coo you won't go go Veronica pre-oscar ray the opposition meanwhile has refused to relent its fight against the citizenship amendment bill having failed to block the bill in Parliament the fight

Has now shifted to the Supreme Court Muslim League was forced to file the plea which is yet to be listed by the SC registry but he has to be pursued and anybody the plea terms citizenship amendment will a brazen violation of fundamental rights guaranteed by the Constitution close on heels are others like Congress in aIUDF [Music] it is basically against the fundamental principles of our great Constitution the government has asserted that the citizenship Amendment bill will indeed stand legal scrutiny that claim is now all set to be tested in the top court can the government win the legal ground after convincing wins on floor of both houses with Ashutosh mishra and converges on do bureau

Report india today but not everyone is complaining there are some who are celebrating and they are the persecuted minorities who were living in Afghanistan Pakistan and Bangladesh thousands of persecuted minority members from Pakistan living in India erupted in joy as soon as the Raja Sava cleared the citizenship bill paving the way for Indian citizenship to be granted to Hindus Sikhs Buddhists Jains Christians and Farsi refugees from Pakistan Afghanistan and Bangladesh celebrations of Milan here at Maserati license last night and to give you sense of the kind of celebrations that are being that we are witnessing here at Manoa till I'd like to show you that there are all kinds of array arrangement you may do for a DJ and that's because these are Hindu hindu refugees from who've

Come from Pakistan or come from Pakistan six or seven years ago and they're extremely happy because they say that the passage of the bill in the Rajya Sabha will end their life in exile [Music] kikuchiyo da da da Barca OTA diwali holi target name Jose Mourinho say Buddy Holly Monica Tommy Sutter South La Jolla Collier people you're very happy they welcomed the passage of the bill in the Rajya Sabha and like I mentioned that they've said that this will finally help them get the citizenship and in their life in exile joining me on the broadcast is Baldev Singh Baldev Singh is a member of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa remember I'm Ron hunt comes from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in

Pakistan he is a member of the provincial assembly and a member of Pakistan tehreek-e-insaf party but he fled Pakistan because he was persecuted so welcome on India today mr. huckey atrocities applo / who et Pakistan may a Pakistan shorter Hindustan q IQ v Pakistan mr. Carter davekeli hey give minorities both coasts repair assignment insignia to k-doe solid Arabica mla share muslim MN a jockey jail mirror a PK Oscar Sahil carton jang hyuk alacazam sutala Karanja kizamu trolley a circuses of jhamora speaker and rivers are the legal ready booster Pervez hatake diversity legalizing the Arctic's HIV ba da da da Johnny karate yell OH bill Garre bill got a ticket oh hey Dorsey cook a sub G they go up get those ten Media Consultants a heartbeat sing was the jacket I'm gonna take a case I'm Rebecca case cabana backhoe mentor be be open about to send it past our own chimera Joe

Cola is such bull a cook a lot baseball table they've optimal causality he bought Salman bhai yosakoi Jelani edge of a report on alleged case our own big mother all politician who say would see us at our ozone donor Bravo Jose tank again one up Thank You Johnny Kia plug Pakistan may accelerate a look at above Bharat masala Bhangra could give ah yeh' upholds other Nokia meal really a pyramid target Kia Cerato Koup Pakistan me jitka Moscow love Oscar Oscar a guru key government be a year to Lubitsch is a capella Hulk are death a year but AJ invest yourself back are a maraca busted at our job to Marty my uncle rob kvass the town Joe Maryville branch subcommittee who grants ECOWAS

Saotome Joe alone Raheem to Matt Damon kvass today tau kimchi soup se hacen occurring QK they came a girl queen cryptic will come whenever I see us apostle mckisco got a bathrobe escape or gallon bottle na kisi acid Cali Cali he just ran under a bucket a nanny see us at cafe in Santa say volcanic oh yeah 7e a yes if junior Beckett all koshish correct koshish care about logo KO phi del valle wookie but do i darling Joe Lopez Caliphate Quran Karim t12 coalition and even dream ticket or up Kereopa barabash Sharon will rehab who Shabnam Sabbath keyboard what da Nevada so that is all I have time for on India first this evening the persecuted religious minorities especially of Pakistan living in India they of course are celebrating new dawn that is all I have time for honor any offense this evening

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