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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Hello Hindu Pakistan" Swara Bhaskar Slams Centre On Citizenship

we're also getting a braking reaction that's coming in actress swara bhaskar has supposed the citizenship amendment bill she's tweeted and I quote and I'll see and this distant ship amendment bill project Jinnah is reborn hello Hindu Pakistan swaras also gone on to quote a news article which states in India religion is not the basis of citizenship religion can not be the basis of discrimination and the state cannot take decisions based on their religion in fact the citizenship amendment bill pointedly excludes Muslims as the point that's where ax is also putting a cross in the tweets that she's just put out cumin seeds sandals joining us with more details community as we were discussing earlier you know there are a lot of very very strong voices of opposition also to the citizenship Amendment will

the term Hindu Pakistan is also doing the rounds now after the passage of the bill well there seems to be a strong emotions coming in from various sections of society we've seen part of it are being shown in Parliament remember Asaduddin Owaisi tearing up the citizenship amendment bill but yes the reaction from swara bhaskar and she is a in the recent times not just been anti-establishment she has been very vocal about certain issues especially about this one calling it a dark day for democracy looking at her number of tweets but that's not the only voice which is emerging there are many other people who have also questioned the intention of the bill because this actually leaves the illegal Muslim migrants out of the bill while the rest of the religion which is Hindu Sikhs Jains would this parsy's all of them will be given a legal status of a citizenship however Amit Shah the humanists have pointed out doesn't have anything to do with the Muslims already residing in India but this is obviously based on religious lines and even though Amish are took a contention that the division of India and Pakistan the partition took place because of the religious purpose that's not something that

the opposition has been buying and that is where the real danger really lurks we've seen how North East has reacted even within the north eastern states many of the MPs were very vocal whether it was a second be whether it is to MPs from Assam because obviously a lot of them including guru God of Gogoi said the very nature of this particular bill is going against the Assam Accord of 1985 which obviously is to detect and deport any person who has entered India post 1971 however the contention of this bill basically provides a legal sanctity and a citizenship to all those people who have come here to seek asylum they're saying there are no Muslim who would be seeking asylum because obviously this is a majority in and calling it is how Islamic Republic of three nations which is a

Pakistan Afghanistan Bangladesh and that is why they don't need it though people have cited cases of M ideas Shias Belushi's but obviously government is not the one buying it she wente Akali Dal their own alliance leader also put that question mark as to why or include Muslims persecuted in these particular countries others also question whether Maldives and Sri Lanka should have also been included yes that's the point also in the Lok Sabha yesterday about other countries the perhaps should have also been brought in this particular amendment that the government is introducing committed for a moment and so joining us with those details 

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