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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Attack On Constitution" Rahul Gandhi Hits Out At Centre Over Citizenship Amendment Bill

Okay more breaking news coming in after Priyanka Gandhi her brother Rahul Gandhi has now tweeted on the citizenship amendment bill she says he says the c a.b is an attack on the Indian Constitution anyone who supports it is attacking and attempting to destroy the foundation of our nations Rahul Gandhi a briefer statement than his sister he has now hit out directly at the Modi government on the citizenship Amendment Bill Palomita halide with us sir for more follow me the political flashpoint over the citizenship amendment bill obviously escalating with each passing hour first Priyanka

Gandhi now Rahul Gandhi where do you see today playing out how do you see today's political landscape playing out Pallavi before the big debate in the Rajas about tomorrow well obviously you will see these political bobs being of course exchanged between both sides over the passage of the citizenship amendment bill in the Lok Sabha yesterday because like you said the big debate is to happen in the Rajas about tomorrow and the numbers are very precariously stacked up in the Rajya

Sabha any party is choosing to you know vote any differently from what they did in the Lok Sabha could tilt the game in favor of one or the other sites that is why you could see that you know the parties that are vehemently opposed to the passage of this bill are now upping the ante against the central government saying that this is you know attacking the foundation of the Constitution itself which guaranteed right to freedom of religion right to equality and hence they building up pressure on those friends sitter parties you know as to so that they take a very clear position in the Rajya

Sabha because it's not going to just work with these fence-sitter parties walking out or abstaining from the voting process in protest against the bill they will have to sit back and vote against the bill itself and only then will it make any sort of a difference in build pressure on the parties in the party and the NDA in terms of your not sending this bill possibly fro for the parliamentary scrutiny or scrapping the bill altogether so that is what the end game is and that is what the opposition which is very mentally and vocally opposed to this bill is hoping that yes do with these statements especially in the case of fence-sitter parties that are currently opposed to the bill but I could vote maybe not against the bill could walk out like the TRS for instance

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